Taekwon-do Beacon
Project ‘Taekwondo Beacon’ № 101129915
Project ‘Taekwondo Beacon’s main objective is to pursue significant, quantifiable, scalable, and sustainable impact of promoting gender equality, diversity, and inclusion (GEDI) in sport in 3 EU member states – Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania by preparing, implementing and evaluating 3 EU local sport events in a course of 12 months, and disseminating their positive results.
The events will give publicity to a socially significant topic – overcoming gender inequality, boosting inclusion and diversity through martial arts following six thematic areas – Participation, Coaching and Gender-based violence, Leadership, Social and economic aspects of sport and Media coverage.
The project is in line with the priorities for fight against discrimination in sport, including gender equality and social inclusion through sport. Among the activities are: Collecting real examples and case studies for significant, quantifiable, scalable, and sustained impact for taekwondo practitioners, clubs and federations.
Developing key actions portfolio for ensuring a balanced participation of women and men, boys and girls at all levels of sports organizations in terms of membership, practice, competition, coaching etc.
Checklists of key success factors to monitor countering negative traditional gender stereotypes and protect those affected by these stereotypes when practicing sport in the context of GEDI, as well as increase knowledge and awareness on how taekwondo provides and respects GEDI.
384 taekwondo practitioners in 3 age groups from 7-17 years together with instructors, referees and officials, all gender balanced, will participate in 3 mixed teams sport competitions and educational side activities.
The main result will be increased knowledge about GEDI issues among young people, better understanding for them of EU sports values and gender equality policies through the perspective of taekwondo and improved transversal skills (leadership, fair play, respect for rules, competition handling, expectation management, mentoring, stress management, etc.)