15 Rezultate pentru year: 2016
Începem anul nou în forță cu Stagiul Național de Perfecționare Taekwon-do I.T.F. pentru sportivi, arbitri și antrenori, care va avea loc între 20 - 22 ianuarie 2017 la Cluj Napoca. Vă așteptăm cu drag!
We start the new year with a new event: Taekwon-do ITF National Improvement Seminar for athletes, referees ...
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We are honored to have a special guest at our
2016 International Taekwon-do Seminar Sibiu: Grand Master Wim Bos, 9th degree, Technical Director of the International Taekwon-do Federation.
See you all in September in the beautiful city of Sibiu.
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A great event coming soon...
We are honoured to have a special guest at our
2016 International Taekwon-do Seminar Sibiu: Grand Master Wim Bos, 9th degree, Technical Director of the International Taekwon-do Federation.
See you all in September in the beautiful city of Sibiu.
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Informatii despre examenul de centura neagra I, II, III si IV dan, Sibiu, 18 septembrie
Pagina in actualizare, reveniti pentru completari.
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In perioada 25 - 31 august
2016, va asteptam cu drag la Stagiul de Vara de la Eforie Nord, organizat de Federatia noastra in colaborare cu C.S. Salamandra Constanta.
Between the 25th and 31st of August
2016, you are welcome to The Taekwon-do Summer Seminar in Eforie Nord, organized by our Federation in colaboration ...
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Weekend-ul trecut, intre 24 si 26 iunie
2016, Sala Polivalenta din Cluj Napoca a fost gazda unui eveniment sportiv de anvergura pentru sportul romanesc si european. Este vorba despre dublul eveniment: Cupa Europei la Taekwon-do ITF si Cupa Internationala de Taekwon-do ITF pentru Copii si Cadeti. La eveniment au partici...
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Dear Grandmasters, Masters, Instructors, Competitors
At this special occasion of hosting the 7th AETF European Cup
2016 and the International Taekwon-Do Cup for Children and Cadets to be held in Cluj Napoca, Romania, I would like to welcome all the Grandmasters, Masters, Instructors, Competitors and Practitioners of our ...
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Dear Members,
AETF HQ would like to ask the AETF Member Countries to complete and to send the country application of Umpires wishing to referee during the upcoming 7th Senior and Junior European Taekwon-Do and the International Cup for Children and Cadets to be held on 24-26th June
2016 in Cluj Napoca in Romania.
We ask ...
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